I got my brother to enjoy it!

I managed to get my little brother to watch and enjoy Pride and Prejudice with me until he fell asleep! For clarification (and as he is not more than one and twenty there is no need to conceal his age,) he is three almost four. it took me awhile of telling him about all of the characters but he finally agreed. I went through explaining what was happening until he fell asleep. He kept on asking questions, mostly "Why?" 

Me: "Mrs. Bennet wants Mr. Bingley to marry one of her daughters."
Him: "Why?"
Me: "...Because she wants them to be rich."

Me: "Mr. Darcy said mean stuff about Elizabeth and wouldn't dance with her."
Him: "Why?"
Me: (long pause as I stumble to find a way to explain it to a 3 year old) "Because he didn't want to dance at all and saying that would get his friend to leave him alone, but see he really hurt Lizzy, you should always dance with people when you go to a party with dancing."
Him: "why I dance with people?"
Me: "because it's the nice thing to do. Oh look Mr. Bingley and Jane are dancing together."

In the end he got to sleep and I got to watch it. A win win really.


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